Class Outcomes / Competencies

In Year 10 Robotics, the students start the semester long course on Safety and correct soldering techniques, using soldering irons, before they build with the assistance of various  computer programs; .

1- An Infrared Controlled, Picaxe 8M2 or 14M2 Microcontroller

2 - Select and design their own Extension Model.

3 - Program it to run their own model to the desired outcome.

NOTE- This subject is semester based, Term 1 & 2, or Term 3 or 4

Successful completion of the course will be assessed by a variety of outcomes:-

Practical Work

Picaxe or Electronics Assignments

Various Theory, Tests, Worksheets, Computer CAD programs ie Tricad and various other programs such as Picaxe Programming Editor, Logicator etc.

Students will gain a AUSVELS level 10.0 on successful completion of the unit.